What to Write in a Birthday Card: Wishes for Relationships of All Kinds

Whilst some people have no problem coming up with what to write in a birthday card, just hand them a pen and they’ll scribble an off-the-cuff wish that prompts happy tears or an appreciative hug, others may find it a little harder to think of something to say.
If you find yourself struggling to think of anything beyond “Happy Birthday” (which leaves you a bit stuck if those words are already printed inside the card) we have a whole bunch of ideas to help.
So don’t worry, we’ll have you happily writing meaningful birthday messages for all your favourite people before you know it.
What to Write in a Birthday Card
- Birthday Wishes for Parents
- Birthday Wishes for Adult Offspring
- Birthday Wishes for Siblings, Grandparents and More
- Birthday Wishes for Spouse or Partner
- Birthday Wishes for a Friend
- Wishes for Complicated Relationships
- Birthday Wishes for Tough Times
- Birthday Wishes for a Coworker
- Group Card Birthday Wishes
- Milestone Birthday Wishes
- Funny Birthday Wishes
- Belated Birthday Wishes
- Short and Simple Birthday Wishes
Birthday Wishes for Parents
What you choose to write in your mum or dad’s birthday card will ultimately depend on your own unique relationships, but love, appreciation and upbeat wishes are usually a good bet. And, if they’ve got a healthy sense of humour, feel free to make them laugh. The main thing is to let your relationship be your guide and write from the heart.
- Happy birthday, with heartfelt thanks my wise, wonderful, one-and-only mum/dad.
- You’re the best, Mum/Dad. Love you.
- Wishing a beautiful day for my beautiful mama.
- The more time goes by, the more grateful I am to have you for my mum/dad.
- Hope your birthday brings some time to relax and remember how much you’re loved.
- I don’t say it enough, but it’s always true: I love you, and I’m so lucky you’re my mum/dad.
- For all the days you’ve made happy for our family and all the ways you make us smile—happy birthday with lots of love.
- Wish I could be there to celebrate with you, Mum/Dad. Have fun! Miss you!
- Happy birthday from your favourite child. Love you!
- With love from the reason for most of your grey hairs.
- Happy birthday to the man who taught me everything I know, from the kid who paid attention to roughly half of everything you tried to teach.
- Hope you find a fun way to waste some time on your birthday. You have my permission!
- Birthday or any day, it means so much to have an amazing mum/dad like you.
- For lessons you’ve taught. For days you’ve saved. For everything. Thank you.
- You’re more than simply my mum/dad. You’re the best person I know.
Writing tip: Even a dad who never gets mushy in person can still appreciate a warm and loving written message. Cards are a perfect way to say the heartfelt things that can be hard to say face-to-face.
Birthday Wishes for Adult Offspring
A birthday quote for your adult child is a great opportunity to let them know how you feel about the amazing human they’ve grown into.
- When you came into our lives [30] years ago, we were amazed. We still are.
- Happy Birthday to an amazing and brilliant [daughter] who means the world!
- [Ben], you’re the kind of [son] parents dream of having. We couldn’t be more proud of you - on your birthday and every day.
- We still remember the first time we laid eyes on you [23] years ago. Hope you know how much we love you and how grateful we are to be your parents.
- Watching you grow up has been one of the biggest, most rewarding blessings of my life. Yes, even that first year after you got your driving licence.
- [Hannah], you’ve worked so hard to build the life you’ve dreamed of. And it’s amazing to watch you shine.
- I know there were some tough times when you were growing-up, but I’m so grateful for the amazing kid you were then, and even more grateful for the incredible adult you’ve become.
- Through the years you’ve made us laugh, cry, cheer, worry, smile and - maybe a few times - shout. But more than anything, you’ve made us so proud.
- We could never have imagined your tiny hands would grow to be so helpful, or that your little feet would travel so far. We’re in awe of the amazing person you’ve become!
Birthday Wishes for Siblings, Grandparents and More
Loving thoughts, compliments and warm wishes all work nicely for family. So do “I’m glad we’re family” messages or quotes, and a little bit of humour can work well too… especially if your family doesn’t go in for too much of the mushy stuff.
- Every year, I’m even more grateful to have a [brother] like you.
- Celebrating how much fun you are to be around today and every day, [Sis]!
- There’s nothing nicer than sharing love, laughter and memories with you, Grandma.
- So proud of the person you are! So happy we’re family.
- Love you. Love that we’re family!
- Hope you know I think you’re amazing…and I’m so proud to be your [sister].
- Well, [Grandad], another year has gone by, and I still haven’t come across anyone wiser, kinder, more generous or better at [crosswords] than you. You’re the best!
- [Ben], you do life big and love bigger. Love having you as a brother and celebrating your awesomeness today.
- Happy Birthday from your favourite sibling/grandchild etc.
- Happy Birthday, Sis, maybe this’ll be the year you beat me at Uno! JK. That’s never gonna happen.
Writing tip: If your card doesn’t specifically mention your family relationship with the recipient, just include it in your personal message. You can either address the recipient by the title you use for them (Grandpa, Auntie Jean, etc.) or mention the relationship (sister, cousin, etc.).

Birthday Wishes for Spouse or Partner
Whether you’re dating or you’ve been married for years, birthday messages offer a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship or have a little flirtatious fun on their special day.
- Happy birthday, Beautiful/Gorgeous.
- I’m so grateful you came into the world because you make my world better every day. Happy birthday, I love you.
- Happy birthday, babe. Thank you for being you, and being mine.
- It’s your special day, and I can’t wait to celebrate it with you.
- Every year you seem to get even more loveable… how do you do that?!
- Wish you were here for me to spoil today.
- Today’s my favourite day of the year, because I get to celebrate you!
- You’ve made all my wishes come true, hope your birthday is as happy as you make every day for me.
- On your birthday and always I am so glad I get to be the one celebrating you.
- Here’s to another year of my all-time favourite person!
Writing tip: Using your personal pet name can instantly make a simple message warmer and more personal.
More ways to make their day
We’ve got loads of ways to make their birthday card extra-special, with customisable and photo-upload designs and editable text options. Shop Personalised Cards here.
Birthday Wishes for a Friend
Sometimes you just want to let someone know how much you appreciate their friendship. A birthday card is a great way to do just that.
- Happy birthday to a friend I couldn’t live without!
- In case I don’t tell you often enough, I’m so grateful for all you bring to my life!
- Getting old is not for the weak. They couldn’t handle this much fun!
- It just occurred to me that we really are becoming OLD friends. And I’m good with that.
- You’re the sister I chose, the best friend I could wish for and the biggest reason to celebrate today!
- [Ellie], thanks for being there - basically, just for being you.
- Hope every little piece of this day is good, man.
- We may be getting old, but we’re doing it in style. Happy Birthday, Mate!
- Honestly, I’ll celebrate you any time you like… but especially today! Happy Birthday
- As friends go, you’re as good as it gets! Celebrating you on your birthday and always.
Writing tip: If you’ve chosen a blank or friendship focused card simply because you know your friend will like it, you can easily make it a birthday card just by highlighting their birthday somewhere in your personal message.

Birthday Wishes for Complicated Relationships
Sometimes we want to send a birthday message, but the timing is awkward or the relationship is complicated. At those times a simple, sincere message that says just enough is what you need.
- I hope your day is full of all the things that make you happy.
- On your birthday, know I’m thinking about you and wishing you good things.
- Hope you know how much you matter to me and that I wish you only the best today.
- Wishing you a birthday that is everything you need.
- Forget everything else for now, I just want you to have the birthday you deserve today.
- Even when things are a bit weird, I still care about you and I’m still wishing you the best on your birthday.
- I know things aren’t great right now, but today, I just want to wish you a happy birthday and tell you I love you.
- Just a few words on your special day: “Happy Birthday. I love you.”
- Whatever else is going on, I’ll always think of you on your birthday. I hope it’s a good one.
- Wishing you the best on your birthday and hoping we’ll talk soon.
Helpful tip: When you need a birthday card for a complicated relationship, keeping it simple (or even choosing a Blank or Just to Say design) is often the best way.
Birthday Wishes for Tough Times
Birthdays sometimes fall during times of illness, job loss, bereavement or other challenging circumstances. A birthday card with a thoughtful message is a great way to let someone know you’re thinking of them, and maybe bring a little light and comfort during a difficult time.
- I know you’ve had some real challenges this year. I’m in awe of how well you’ve handled them and wishing you an easier year ahead as you celebrate your birthday.
- What a year. You made it! Let’s celebrate THAT!
- Life owes you some really good times. Hope they start right now.
- You’ve had more than your share of challenges this year—hope this next one is full of better days.
- I hope your [38th] year is gentle and kind to you and brings you lots of reasons to smile. You’re definitely owed a few!
- No matter what’s going on in life, there’s always one thing we can celebrate: you.
- Celebrating your strength, your determination, your resilience in the face of everything life throws at you. Celebrating you on your birthday and every day.
- You did it! You’ve survived this difficult year - so proud of you! Happy Birthday.
- Happy birthday, I know this year’s been tough so… Here’s to a better and brighter year ahead, and a fantastic celebration today!
- You’re here. You made it. You’re still standing! Happy Birthday and here’s to lighter, brighter and easier days ahead.
Writing tip: Humour can be a great day-brightener during a challenging time. If you know the birthday person appreciates a good laugh, don’t be afraid to choose a funny card and/or add a humorous personal message.
Birthday Wishes for a Colleague
Birthday messages for colleagues can be stressful, you want to be sure you get the right tone but don’t overthink it, just let your relationship be your guide. If it’s someone you’re close to, you can be casual in your message. If it’s your supervisor or someone with whom you have a relationship that’s more about work, keep your message more formal. Easy!
- Happy birthday and all the best to you in the year to come!
- It’s a pleasure to work with you…and to wish you a happy birthday!
- Your birthday lunch is on me! (Unless we can expense it - then I’ll totally let someone else pay.)
- Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for baking you the cake in the break room. Fortunately, I can absolutely have a slice in your honour.
- The best thing about work is hanging out collaborating with you. Happy Birthday!
- You make boring meetings way more fun. Hope you have a happy birthday!
- Thanks for being such a great mentor and colleague. Hope your birthday is the best.
- Here’s to no [fire alarms/urgent emails/angry customers] on your birthday.
- You make work a lot less like work. Thanks for all you do!
- Let’s wait to circle back to the serious stuff until AFTER we celebrate your birthday.
Group Card Birthday Wishes
But what about those group work cards? Well, when you’re the umpteenth person to sign the birthday card and all the obvious messages (and most of the spaces) have already been taken, here are some short ideas that might just do the job.
- Celebrating you!
- Birthday cheers!
- Let us eat cake!
- Have a good one!
- Hooray for you on your birthday!
- Happy birthday & happy year!
- Here’s to a great birthday!
- Wish for something good!
- Party like it’s your birthday!
- Here’s to you!
- Wishing you the great day you deserve.
- Bring on the birthday treats!
- Good job on another great year!
- Celebrate and enjoy your day.
Milestone Birthday Wishes
Those ‘Big Number’ birthdays are a big deal so, if you’re wanting to make a bit of a fuss of their milestone, we’ve got a few message ideas to let them know you’re celebrating every brilliant decade with them!
- Happy Birthday, [Mel]! Now that you’re here, [40] will never be the same again!
- [50] has genuinely never looked so good!
- Turning [60] is a big deal and one worth celebrating! Especially when you’ve made the most of each year and made such a positive difference for the people in your life.
- Here’s to a fantastic [50] years of fun, laughter and love – and many more ahead!
- [30] is the perfect age. You’re old enough to afford the good stuff and still young enough to enjoy it!
- Happy [90th] Birthday, [Nana Betty]! You’re an amazing [woman] and we love you so much!
- Look who’s making [40] look fabulous!
- 100! Woohoo! Now THAT is a milestone worth celebrating – Congratulations on your incredible birthday.
- The bigger the number, the bigger the party, right? Happy [50th] birthday, hope it’s amazing!
- You just keep getting better and better with every decade! Happy [70th] Birthday!

Funny Birthday Wishes
Sharing a laugh in a with a funny birthday quote is a great way to personalise a card and make it extra-special for someone you know well.
- Hope it’s happier than me at [the spa]! (Or: shopping, bar, coffee shop, beach.)
- You get to be the center of attention today! Tomorrow, it’s back to me.
- Have a [martini] for me! Or two! (Or: Substitute recipient’s favorite drink.)
- Happy birthday to you and your cat! (I know how the cat hates to be left out.)
- Dibs on the presents you don’t like!
- I hope all your wishes come true, even the weird ones.
- Sorry, there’s no money in here.
- Please stop aging so gracefully. It’s getting kind of boring and predictable.
- Father Time messaged. He has HAD IT with you… you don’t play fair!
- Here’s to ageing disgracefully!
Writing tip: Try to sound like you do when you’re talking. It feels more personal when the person can hear your voice in the message!
Belated Birthday Wishes
Life is hectic and it can be hard to keep track of all those birthdays, but it’s important to remember that late really is better than never! So, if you’ve missed their special day, don’t panic, you should still send that card and celebrate them, just include a sincere or humorous apology with your wishes…or maybe frame it as your way of extending the birthday fun?!
- So sorry these birthday wishes are late reaching you. I hope it was happy!
- Happy birthday…a little late!
- This birthday wish is late, but my love is right on time.
- You’re receiving this NOW and not on your ACTUAL birthday, because I wanted to be sure your celebration wasn’t limited to just one day. It’s so nice of me!
- At least my happy birthday text was on time. That counts for something, right? 😁
- I don’t know where my mind was, but I forgot your birthday…until now. At least this way I’ll stand out from the crowd when I tell you you’re amazing and awesome.
- This birthday wish is not late. It’s just well-aged.
- We all have to wait for some of the best things in life—like a birthday wish from a [sister] who picked the perfect card for you and then left it sitting in a drawer, where she totally forgot about it.
- Sorry I’m late for such an important date! Hope you had the most wonderful day.
- I like to think that this late arrival is simply extending your birthday celebrations… but I’m still sorry it’s late. Hope it was great!
- Sorry, Facebook didn’t remind me!
Writing tip: Cards made for belated birthdays are great for when you remember their birthday after the fact. However, if you had the birthday card all ready but just didn’t get it sent on time, you should still send it. You can mention the lateness in your own message!
Short and Simple Birthday Wishes
Sometimes you might feel like you’ve found a card that says it all or maybe you just generally prefer to keep things short and sweet. If so, that’s fine, just add a few simple words to finish up with a little personal touch.
- Happy, happy birthday, [Nina]!
- You deserve everything happy. Wishing you that all year long!
- [Andy], hope you have a happy [27th]! Love ya!
- Warmest wishes for a happy birthday.
- Hope today’s filled with all your favorite guilty pleasures!
- [Dan], hope you make your [25th] a birthday to remember!
- [Caroline], you are living your best life! And this year, it really shows.
- [Ali], happy birthday to one of my favourite people in the history of ever.
- Warmest wishes and love on your birthday and always!
- Let’s get you good and celebrated!
So, there you go, hopefully that’s given you a few ideas for how to approach your own birthday messages, whoever they’re for. Just remember to write from the heart and let the relationship between you and the recipient be your guide… and you’ll be dashing off those perfect birthday wishes with ease.