What to Write: Father’s Day Messages of Appreciation for Dads & More
We want to break this cycle, so we recently commissioned a piece of research to try and understand why opening up emotionally can be difficult for men. This research revealed that 19% of men find it easier to write their emotions down, that only 3% of men find their dad the easiest person to open-up to, and that 42% say that their dad doesn’t express his feelings to them and they have never shared a deep and meaningful conversation.
- Feeling awkward
- Not being understood
- Feeling like a burden
- Being seen as weak
- Not articulating things properly
- I don’t want the sympathy
- Being made fun of
- Someone making me feel ‘weird’ for how I’m feeling
- I don’t want someone to see me cry
- Losing friends because of how I feel
We think it’s about time this all changed! Dads, grandads and father figures of all kinds have such an impact on our lives and are so important in shaping who we are and who we want to be so, we have some ideas listed below for ways to let Dad know how much he means this Father’s Day.
Whether you choose to use these as they are or view them as a starting point for a more personalised message of your own is entirely up to you. In either circumstance, we hope that they help to inspire a little more openness and sharing this Father’s Day.
Dads do a lot for us, in all kinds of different ways, but it’s not unknown for them to feel a little taken-for-granted at times, so let’s make sure that they know how much we appreciate them on Father’s Day (and always).
- You're loved all year long, but it's nice to have a special day to say thank you... for all you do and for just being you.
- Thanks for continued commitment to excellence in dadding!
- There ought to be more days when we remember to say it... Thanks, Dad.
- For building so many happy memories... thank you.
- A dad's love is a special memory the heart will never forget.
- Thanks for being so DAD!
- “Thank You, Dad" doesn't even begin to cover it.
- Dad, thanks for all your love and patience back when I knew everything.
- Happy Father's Day to one of the all-time greats... ...from one of the all-time most grateful
- When duty calls... ...you always answer. Now, that's some heroic parenting. Thanks, Dad.
We know there are all kinds of ways to show your love rather than say it, and many dads are masters of this art, but it can also be really impactful to hear the words or see them written down in someone’s familiar handwriting. So, if you’re looking for a way to let Dad, or Grandad know how much he’s loved this Father’s Day we have some suggestions below that might help.
- There's you - you're irreplaceable. There's our love for you - it's unshakable. Don't forget. Ever
- No love like dad's love. No dad like my dad.
- Happy Father's Day to my first and very best buddy
- Happy Father's Day, Old Block. Love, Chip
- Kind, caring, brave, strong, and very, very loved!
- Love you, Dad, for how much you care and how much you show it.
- Dad, like a phone without a charger, I couldn't make it through the day without you!
- The closeness that we share means so much the whole year through,
So, it's nice to have a special day for celebrating you...
And now that Father's Day is here this brings a wish with love,
To let you know you're special and you're thought the whole world of. - We're thinking of you on Father's Day and wishing you the best of everything-- no one deserves it more.
- No fancy, frilly words, no soppy hearts for Dad... Just all the love and gratitude any kid could ever have.
Parenting is a tough gig and we want all parents to feel supported during what can sometimes be a very difficult transition. So, if you’re looking to offer a little bit of support or positive affirmation to someone this Father’s Day, here are some suggestions…
- Being a dad is hard work... ...you hide it well.
- Some men are destined for greatness. Those men are called dads!
- The man who makes a child happy, makes the world a better place.
- A good dad points his children in the direction of their dreams.
- Dad, you know a little bit about everything... and a whole lot about family, laughter, love, and making great memories - all the things that matter most. And we're so grateful for it.
- Because you live your life with such integrity and love, we celebrate you, Dad... a man to be proud of.
- To laugh much and often, to find the best in others and leave the world a little better than you found it, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived... that is success.
- A good man is someone whose wisdom and humor have earned him the respect of his friends and family... someone who makes the world a better place.
- You make everyone around you feel really, truly cared for and loved. That's amazing. That's special. And today's the day to let you know it.
- A dad provides direction for the voyage of life by teaching us to look to the stars and to follow our dreams.
We have also partnered with Andy’s Man Club to launch a unique collection of Father’s Day cards carefully crafted to convey messages of love, appreciation and understanding specifically targeted at men.
#ANDYSMANCLUB is a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. For the last few years Hallmark has been working with the charity to help end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and support men through the power of conversation, and we’ll be encouraging them to share their feelings this Father’s Day through an exclusive card range.
Men can find a local support group here, or be involved in the conversation online using #ANDYSMANCLUB.