Celebrating Springtime with Poetry

Whether they’ve been inspired by the unfurling of new shoots in the sunshine, are looking forward to even brighter, warmer days still to come, pondering the beauty and wisdom of Mother Nature or contemplating the uncertainties inherent in the changing seasons, our writers have done us proud, and we hope you’ll enjoy reading their efforts below.
Poems from The Hallmark Writing Studio
The days,
like our spirits,
are lighter
The green shoots
and the sun’s rays
break through
The garden birds
fanfare each morning…
A message from spring,
meant for you.
Against all odds
the crocus pushes through
the frost covered earth
to bring a welcome burst of colour
to the grey day.
by Emma Bragg - Writing Director
Spring is dawning.
Slow and steady,
Come on sun…
I’m flip-flop ready!
by Donna MacGregor - Writer
Spring, spring
you beautiful thing
what wonders you promise
to always bring.
Buds are bursting,
leaves unfurling.
Nature, nature
is blossoming.
by Donna MacGregor - Writer
D on’t you love the feeling
A s the days begin to lengthen?
F rosts abate and all at once
F resh hope begins to strengthen.
O f all the seasons, spring is best,
D on’t need the summer’s heat…
I n a field of golden daffodils
L ife’s joy is quite complete.
by Caroline Cattrell - Writer
knows best:
Dark days?
Rest & renew.
Hard times?
Keep pushing through.
It’s a greyish day
Like any other day
But I think I heard you say
That it’s spring
Maybe the rain is thinning
Maybe the light is winning
Maybe there’s a new beginning
Now it’s spring
A tunnel’s end in sight
A dawn after the night
The grey’s a shade more white
It must be spring
by Drew Dewhirst - Senior Writer
Leave your gloves on the radiator
next to the door
There’s no need for a scarf today,
no not anymore
Bring your warm jacket, still,
but leave the zip half unzipped
Unless you wear it for style,
a hat can maybe be skipped
The evenings stay slightly lighter
for a minute or two
The trees are grey but look closer
cos the green’s breaking through
The crocuses and the snowdrops
have begun to feel bold
As winter slowly, imperceptibly
releases its hold
Feeling inspired? Why not have a go at writing your own springtime themed poems? They can be as short, long, sweet, silly or sentimental as you like, no one is going to judge, just look around you, see how the scenery is changing or the colours are brightening or just think about how you are feeling right now and how the weather and the light affect that and then write about it! As you can see from our own team’s efforts above, there are all sorts of different ways to approach a poem - short and snappy can be as effective as long and imagery filled, and rhyming is entirely optional. The nice thing about creativity (at any time of the year) is that there really are very few actual rules to worry about… the main thing is to just give it a try and learn as you go!
And, if you prefer listening to poetry, rather than reading it, take a look at our video below to see and hear the lovely recordings we made of some of these poems.